Skip to main content - Equifax Data Breach. WTF?

My expectation for Equifax and other credit reporting bureaus is high to protect our personal information e.g. Names, Social Security Number, Birthdates, Addresses, and in some cases Drivers License. These information are very important and needed to open a credit card account, get a car loan, and obtain a mortgage. Guess what, those information are stolen about 143 Million Americans, almost half of US Population. This was discovered between mid May to July 29, but only announced last Thursday September 7, 2017.

This was acknowledged and announced by Rick Smith, Chairman and CEO of Equifax posted a video at their website

How to check if your personal information is potentially impacted. If you're using a credit card, have a car loan or a mortgage most likely you're one of the 143 million Americans.

Visit their official Cybersecurity Incident consumer information website:

Click on "CHECK POTENTIAL IMPACT" link. You will enter your last name and last 6 digits of Social Security Number. And you will see something like this if you're one of the 143 million users. Before you click Enroll, you may want to read Krebs on Security related to Equifax website woes. After reading that post, will you still use their free service to sign up for complimentary identity theft protection and credit file monitoring? In my humble opinion, Equifax service should be free forever because of exposing and not protecting our personal identifiable information.

Continue reading at source: QUE.com


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