If you're planning to buy a new mobile phone, I recommend to wait 'till June 8 where Apple Worldwide Developers…
At discounted price, you can get your own Enom reseller account from Enom Technology Partner (ETP) NeedName.com for on…
If you haven't read my previous post regarding how to resolve the " Report Server is unavailable ", pleas…
You maybe wondering why the CircuitCity.com website is back online again. Well, it's good to know that Systemax In…
Just like other webmasters or publishers, you want to put up your own Privacy Policy to inform your visitor when they b…
"Local advertising across newspapers, direct mail, TV, radio, yellow pages, outdoor, magazines and online is expec…
I have some useful links in my Favorites and I always make a point to keep a copy (backup). Here's a simple procedu…
Our Security Tip of the Week is courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security. "If you are ever trapped in a fir…
Guest Post: Vopium has today launched its award winning mobile VoIP application in the Android Market. The application …
It's good to know Rick Latona highlighted some premiums .TV domain names to be included in Amsterdan auction this c…
On May 14 around 10:30am -11am I can't login to my Google Apps for @KING.NET and cant't access to my blogger p…
If you have a Facebook account, you need to read this article. This is another phishing incident that was reported toda…
We do automatic update for Microsoft Security Updates on a weekly schedule. This is to minimize risk of exposure agains…
I am reading this article and I would like to know if my visitors are now part of this change? Read the article for det…
I have a client that have asked me to assist them fixing their "hacked" website through vulnerabilities of ol…
If you are looking to address your business Risk Management Concept Flow , read the Common Criteria of Information Tech…
I've read this news from eweek.com today. I don't see the benefits of changing WGA to another name. Since we ar…
Based on these random interview, you still have a shot to do business in domain name industry. A lot of opportunity to …
Why .TV still not dominating the cyberspace? Do you know the answer to this question? Well if not, here's my humbl…
This is a simple way to check your workstation information or your server such as Windows 2003 or 2007. Here's wh…
Just in today (actually a couple of days ago, wednesday). "It was one of those things she never does. But, Wedne…
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