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Showing posts from September, 2013

How to add the Google+ Authorship on your website.

Here's how to add Google+ Authorship on your WordPress website. Three simple steps to follow. First, add your Google+ Profile link on your Wordpress website inside the <head> </head> section. For example:   < link rel = "author"   href = ""   / In your Google+ profile, click on About, scroll down to see the Link option. Add your website here, for example: You can add all websites that you managed. Test it. Visit Google Webmaster Tools - Structured Data Testing Tool: Here's the URL Address: . Enter your website URL Address e.g. and click Preview button. It will provide a detailed results about your website. If you are posting frequent posts/blogs, this three simple test will help you generate traffics from your Google circles and the Google search results. For detailed instruction, visit Managewp.c