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Worst Things to Say at Work

I thought this is a good article to share for everyone. Enjoy!

"I haven't had a raise in four years."
"Most savvy supervisors don't think longevity merits a raise - only high productivity does," Lampton states. Asking for a raise because of how long it's been since your last one will only tell your boss that you want more money, not that you deserve it. Instead, highlight the accomplishments you've made in the last four years, Lampton suggests. Prove the raise is merited.

"It's not my fault."
When your boss comes to you with a problem, the last thing you want to do is to deflect blame to someone else. Maybe it isn't your fault, but remember that you're not in a courtroom and nobody's really looking for the culprit right now. All that matters is making sure the problem is solved and doesn't happen again. You can deal with the real issue later, but you'll just make yourself look worse if you spend more time finger-pointing than problem solving.

"To be honest with you ... "
First, any time this phrase is used, you know something negative is going to follow. More important is the message it sends to others. "Does this colleague have to identify when he or she is being honest with you? When that phrase is not used, should you then doubt the integrity of the statement?" Lampton asks. Instead, without being rude, say what you need to say in a straightforward manner.

"Whom did you vote for?"
The old adage that you shouldn't discuss politics is as true today as ever before. While it's great that you're an active citizen performing your civic duty, save the politics for your personal blog. Even if the conversation doesn't result in an argument, you never know whom you're making uncomfortable or who will hold your views against you. In a sea of cubicles, there are more people listening to your conversation than you think.

"I got so trashed last night ... "
You're probably not the only person in the office to indulge in a drink (or a keg) now and then, but you're probably the only one bragging about it to your boss. Although your night of binge drinking didn't force you to call in sick this morning, it can create the image of an unreliable partier who forgot to leave the beer bong in the dorm room.

"I just didn't have enough time for that."
In case you didn't realize, everybody's pretty busy these days. When your boss asks you to do something, chances are it's not really an option. If your main concern is accomplishing the task on time, Lampton suggests you explain the situation. Mention how busy your schedule is but that you can accommodate the request if some other projects are moved around. You'll show that you take each assignment seriously and only want to turn in your best work

". . . or else."
Giving anyone in the office an ultimatum rarely ends in success. Whether you say it to a colleague or your new intern, you'll only gain enemies and earn a reputation for being difficult. If cordial requests don't work and threats are the only way to get things done in the office, you need to re-evaluate your work environment.


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