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Microsoft PubCenter is coming soon.

No one stopping Microsoft PubCenter (upcoming competitor of Google Adsense), though still in beta stage. Some tipster already saw increase in revenue. I'm only assuming that Microsoft is giving a higher revenue share. To encourage existing adsense users to use the Microsoft PubCenter is to offer them a higher revenue share. For example 70/30 or 80/20, 80% revenue share goes to the publishers and the remaining 20% for Microsoft.

"We are getting reports that Microsoft’s PubCenter, a self serve thirty party ad publishers platform through AdCenter, is doing quite well with beta testers. Microsoft began testing PubCenter last summer.

One beta tester we spoke with said PubCenter is paying significantly more than Google AdSense and Yahoo Publisher. All three of these programs let third party publishers add contextual ads next to their content via a self-service format.

Google has dominated this space in the past (and all other contextual advertising) because it offers publishers higher fees for ads. But this might change when Microsoft unveils PubCenter to the greater publisher community, particularly if Microsoft is aggressive in revenue splits to gain market share." (2009,


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