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MS Outlook 2007 slow performance when you are working with items over 2GB file size.

Using MS Outlook 2007 or any application in Microsoft 2007, I found it more annoying than productive tool for my users. I will not discuss them in details here, only the MS Outlook 2007 issues.
  • Outlook 2007 slow responds when you access an email to read, reply or forward.
  • When you browse other subfolder within your email.
  • Searching is drastically slow to find any items within your outlook.

I've searched the Microsoft support website, produces more results. I will only share something that is useful and worth your time to read.

Symptoms: "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 momentarily stops responding during typical operations. This includes when you read e-mail messages, move e-mail messages or delete e-mail messages. These symptoms are most noticeable during mail delivery or duing synchronization. These symptoms become more pronounced as store size increases. The are more likely to occur when the size of the .pst file or the size of the .ost file approaches 2 gigabytes (GB). Additionally, they are more pronounced in a very large .pst file or in a very large .ost file that is 4 GB or larger." (2009,

Resolutions: Install the update The update is to improve the general responsiveness of Outlook 2007 during common operations. These operations include reading, moving, deleting, and downloading e-mail messages for users who have large mailbox files (.pst files and .ost files) that are stored on their computers. This update optimizes the parttern in which Outlook 2007 writes a large .pst file or to a large .ost file. This results in a reduction of disk access.

This update is designed to do the following:

  • Reduce the time that is required to copy or move messages from one folder to another folder.
  • Increase the download speed when you download messages.
  • Reduce the time that is required to delete messages.

To read more details, please visit this link: htpp://

Best practices:

  • Educate your e-mail users to regularly clean their mailbox. Empty Deleted folders.
  • Reduce the file size of .pst or .ost under 2GB. I always recommend under 1GB file size only.
  • Get in touch with your technical support for assistance.
  • Send me email here at KING.NET

Don't hesitate to share your input and thank you in advance.


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