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Whaddya know how to connect to your home or office computer remotely?

There are some ways to accomplish this task (manage your home or office computers), through VPN, Remote Desktop, NetMeeting, Webex, GotoMeeting by Citrix, etc. I will only share my experience using remote connection service.

The installation is straight forward, the wizard is excellent. Install, Register (with your credit card), agree to Terms and Conditions, create your password, access code and viola. You're ready to manage your workstation wherever you go as long as you have internet connection with Internet Explorer browser.

Here's the step by step installation and setup:
HOWTO install GotoMyPC to your host (home pc or office workstation).
  • Go to using your Internet Explorer. I've tested it using IE7.0 browser.
  • Click the Try it Free. This will give you 30 days trial period.
  • Register with your name, email address and your credit card information. If you don't cancel within 30 days, they will automatically charge your credit card for $19.95 per recurring month. So, don't forget to cancel if you don't like it.
  • Agree, to Terms of Services (TOS).
  • Continue to create your email address (your login name) and your password
  • Click on Yes to install GoToMyPC (run the install, do not save)
  • You need to restart your workstation to finish the setup. After the reboot, it will try to authenticate your installation.
  • It will ask you to login using your email address and password.
  • Create your computer Nickname and Access Code (password)
  • Install complete.

Now to manage this host from other computer remotely, here's how to:

  • In your remote (other) computer, open Internet Explorer (IE 7.0) browser and type in URL Address.
  • You need to login using your email address and password.
  • Under My Computer, select the computer (Nickname) that you want to manage.
  • Click on Connect
  • Enter the Access Code to authenticate your connection.

From here, you should be able to manage your host computer. You can run applications, windows security updates, installation of additional software's, etc.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please post it here. Thank you, KING.NET


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