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Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 in Beta

Recently I started to budget and plan on how I will transition our Exchange Server 2003 to 2007. The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Mainstream Support retired this year and I have a year to transition my users to version 2007. No worries, no rush, I will take my time to prepare for this project. I still have 'till 2014 for extended support.

I was browsing one of my favorite Tech website and read this article about the public beta release for Exchange Server 2010. I said great, the technology is always one step ahead.

"Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, the follow-up to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, includes several new features designed to appeal to both the IT administrator and enterprise user, as Microsoft prepares for hard competition against Google, IBM, Cisco and others moving aggressively into the enterprise-solutions space." (2009,

The Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 includes welcome improvements and provided a slideshow for you to enjoy. Visit

Well, reading this information might change my approach of upgrading. Now I have to gather information about the Exchange Server 2010 and see if I can jump to this implementation. I will share my experience when I across the bridge.

Cheers for now,


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