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How to Relax and Beat the Stress

Guest Post by Cherie Depano-Magsanoc

Stress can be defined as any chain of events that seem beyond our control and causes tension. In some stressful conditions we feel trapped and unable to cope. If this continues one breaks down and illness takes over the body. Stress must be released in order to lead a normal healthy life.

When we start taking things too seriously and control factors that cannot be controlled, we feel stressed. The circumstances that cause stress become too powerful and we feel helpless to do anything. According to an estimate, 70-90% of people in today’s world are stressed. Life has become too fast paced and unless we take some time to relax and ease stress, we will not be able to survive.

Relaxing to Beat the Stress

In order to beat the stress and unwind, one needs to relax. Relaxation is opposite to work and stress. When we work too hard and get stressed, relaxation is needed. Stress is something very personal and in each person, the intensity of suffering differs. It also depends on how it is looked at and interpreted. The only way to control stress is to see things in a different perspective. Stop taking everything personally to heart and you will see that you will feel light and stress free.

If you feel tired and spent and have no or little inspiration to enjoy life or do something in life, it means that you are lacking relaxation in your life. Time that is spent on doing what you like and enjoying is relaxing. One can relax by engaging in different activities such as gardening, pursuing a hobby or joining a club.

Tips on How to Relax and Beat the Stress:

Let go of things over which you have no control
Be prepared for stress when you know things will get tensed
Try to work out and resolve the issues that involve or lead up to stress
Be realistic enough to know what you can and cannot do
Eat, drink and get enough rest; this is the most important thing to relax
Break things down a bit. Take one step at a time, this helps in relaxing and feeling better
Take over some new projects or jobs to help you in relaxing, some small jobs will not only provide you with an outlet but also give you a sense of satisfaction.
You can also get a pet; pets are good ways of relaxing, you can play with them and take them to walk. They prove a good distraction during stress.

It can be said the by making use of some of these tips and relaxing, it is possible to overcome stress and live a normal life. However, it is advised that you also take into consideration the factors that lead up to stress and try to control them too.



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