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How do you handle an IRS collection notice?

Tax season is just around the corner, it's time for us to consolidate our paper works ready e.g. bills, expenses, etc. And if you receive an IRS collection notice, don't ignore it, do something. Bottom line you have to pay your dues, close the loop with the IRS. Visit for assistance.

"(ARA) - "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes," wrote Benjamin Franklin. Fortunately, for millions of Americans who are facing problems with the IRS, there are legal options available to taxpayers who can't afford to pay the full amount due.

How ignoring the IRS could cost you
Taxpayers who owe back taxes to the IRS or other government entity are putting themselves and their bank accounts at great risk. Ignoring an IRS tax collection or enforcement notice is a very dangerous course to follow. Ask anyone who has been subject to a tax lien, had their salary taken by IRS wage garnishment or experienced the nightmare of having your bank account seized via a bank levy. These are not hypothetical scenarios. They happen every day to taxpayers who ignore IRS." (2009,


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