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By Charu Kapoor

Allergy affects one out of six Americans and thus it becomes important to discuss what actually is allergy, how can it happen, and methods to prevent it. To put it simply, allergy can happen to anyone from substances categorized as allergens. These allergens make the immune system of the body to react and hence the person suffers from allergy. An allergen is a substance which is harmless otherwise, but may cause allergy in the people sensitive to it. Some examples of allergens are pollens, molds, dust, dead skin cells from animals known as animal dander, foods, medication, cockroach droppings, and animal stings.

Actually, the body’s immune system thinks of these allergens as outsiders or invaders in the body. Their immediate response is to get white blood cells to produce antibodies. Once the antibodies are produced they combine with body’s mast cells and produce chemicals like histamine which usually results in running nose, longish sneezing episodes, watery eyes, and sneezing. Allergies can make you feel bad but they can’t kill you. However, there is something known as anaphylaxis shock which can be life threatening.

You should get in touch with a proper allergist when you suffer from the above symptoms. Never go for over the counter medication which can complicate things for you. While allergies are not life threatening, they can cause embarrassment and solitary confinement. People who think that shifting locations would help are not totally correct because they might get exposed to a new allergen at the new place. In conclusion, one can say that education about your own allergy or problem will solve half of the problem. The rest half can be solved by medication prescribed by your doctor.


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