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HOWTO Add Windows Server 2008 RC2 in existing Windows Server 2003 Active Directory

Step-by-step procedures: HOWTO add a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 RC2 in existing Windows Server 2003 Active Directory (AD).

- To install additional domain controller that runs Windows Server 2008 or Windows 2008 RC2 in existing domain using Windows Server 2003.

  1. Prepare a Windows Server 2003 Forest Schema for a Domain Controller that runs Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 RC2. You need the DVD of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 RC2 Support Tools to run the adprep.exe utility.
  2. In Windows Server 2003 Schema Master, insert the DVD of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 RC2.
  3. Open the command prompt, change directory to your DVD drive, and go to /Support/Adprep
  4. Run "adprep /forestprep", wait ...
  5. When it's done, you should see something like this "Adprep successfully updated the forest-wide information.
  6. Run "adprep /domainprep", wait ...
  7. When it's done, you should see something like this "Adprep successfully updated the domain-wide information.
  8. Run "adprep /rodcprep", wait ... review if you see any error.
  9. Let's go to your Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 RC2 server.
  10. In Windows Server 2008, add roles, Install the DNS Server. This is required in Active Directory environment.
  11. Add roles, Active Directory Domain Services and run DCPROMO.EXE
  12. Use the Advance mode installation, click Next to continue.
  13. Choose Existing Forest, Add a new Domain Controller to an existing domain. Click Next.
  14. Type the name of your domain in the forest.
  15. Click Set for alternate credential e.g. Administrator and password. Click Next.
  16. Select the domain for this additional domain controller. Click Next.
  17. Click additional option for this domain, select Global Catalog. Click Next.
  18. Click "No, I will assign static IP addresses to all physical network adapter".
  19. Select "Replicate data over the network from an existing domain controller". Click Next.
  20. Select "Use the specific domain controller" for replication partner. This is for your to know which server is replicating. Click Next.
  21. Location for Database, Log files, and SYSVOL. Accept default location, click Next.
  22. In Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password, type password ex. password1, and confirm password. Click Next.
  23. In Summary, review then click Next.
  24. In Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard, put check on "Reboot on completion".
  25. The configuration and replication will take a while depending on the active directory database size. Wait for the system to reboot the server.
  26. After the reboot. Login (as example) KINGNET\administrator and your password. This is to test login to a domain.
  27. Test a workstation.

Reading Materials:
Installing an Additional Domain Controller

Prepare a Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 Forest Schema for a Domain Controller That Runs Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2

If you have questions, please post it here. 
Thank you, 


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