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Convert PDF to Word document

Nitro PDF Professional V6There are many ways to convert a PDF to Word document. One I know is using from PDF saving as TIFF, then use the Microsoft Office Document Imaging to Recognize Text Using OCR, and finally Send Text To Word. That's a lot of action if you are converting 10 or more pages PDF file to Word.

It is must easier to do this task now, by just uploading the document, convert to PDF and send this to you through email courtesy by website. According to the site, "The Most Accurate PDF-toWord Converter". I tried it and worked great. I also tested this web tool using a protected PDF password.

Though I don't recommend using the online tool if your PDF contained a sensitive information e.g. financial records, banks, social security number, and other confidential data. The website offer a desktop version of the tool where you can buy. Sorry it is not free, though you can try it for 14 days before you decide to purchase. I think that's a good deal.

The website is managed by Nitro PDF, Inc. maker of NitroPDF Professional. Click the image to learn more about the software.

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