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Security Advisory - Holiday Greetings with Phishing, Malware and Viruses coming to your email.

Security Awareness for the Holidays. 

Every holiday seasons there are thousands of phishing, malware, and viruses related scripts releases by a malicious users. If you are using Google Apps for Work or Microsoft Office 365 (Cloud), the incoming and outgoing are continuously scan for these scripts to keep us safe. The security is not 100%, I'm sure your security or network administrator applied additional layers of security measures to minimize risks.

Question is what do we have using our home computers, iPad (Tablets) and smart phones? Here are some preventive measures to protect your computer network from phishing campaigns.

  • Do not follow unsolicited web links in email. Delete it right away.
  • Use caution when opening email attachment.
  • Follow safe practices when browsing the web. You need to keep your internet browser up to date.
  • Maintain up to date anti-virus software. Microsoft provides Security Essentials tool for free. Go to for more details.
  • Keep your operating system and software up to date with latest security patches.
  • Separate your user and admin accounts. New computer/laptop setup with admin rights. Create a new account with Standard rights only. Use Standard account for daily use. 
Let’s have a Happy Holidays and avoid becoming a victims of phishing scams.
I hope this help.


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