If you are planning to create your social network e.g. similar to Facebook. Here's a short list of alternative software's: Open Source and Free http://buddypress.org/ - Wordpress (Open Source and Free) http://elgg.org/ - (Open Source and Free) Commercial Social Networks software http://www.socialengine.com/ ($299 Stand Alone, $29/mo Cloud) http://www.jomsocial.com/ (run with Joomla, need to know CMS) http://www.boonex.com/ (very expensive, $399 for Standard) http://www.anahitapolis.com/ http://www.oxwall.org/ http://sharetronix.com/ http://www.moosocial.com/ http://www.jcow.net/ http://phpdolphin.com http://www.grou.ps (from free to Commercial, I left my networks and they are selling it http://www.phpfox.com/ (I used this before, it's hard to maintain. I moved to NING but left too after it was sold to another company) http://www.ning.com (I don't recommend using this service, it's hard to export your da...
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