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What steps would you take as a manager to ensure fair treatment for older employees?

As a manager, I will check with Human Resource regarding existing policy related to age discrimination or fair treatment for older employees. The employee manual will address this matter and as a Manager, making sure employees are aware and completely understand the consequences.

Steps I have in mind that would probably within HR and Legal guidelines:

  • Inform all employees (not just older employees) of their rights and obligations while working with the company.
  • Follow standards of behavior in accordance with Human Resource policy.
  • State clear consequences (penalty) of breaches of policy.
  • Consistent communication and training for employees.

We currently employed older employees with their years of customer oriented skill, business experience and strategic decision making. Our work environment is filled with older employees that drive our business. They are mentors and advisors, they give us great feedback to reach our business goal.

If you have any suggestion, please share it with us.


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