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Whaddya know how to activate a Terminal Server Licensing?

For some reason, I can't just follow this instruction to activate a Terminal Services License so here's a detailed step-by-step procedure based on my own testing.

Click on Start, Administrative Tools, then Terminal Server Licensing.

You will get a alert, just like this one:
"No Terminal Server License is available in the current domain or workgroup. To connect to another license server, click Action, click Connect, and then type the server name."

So click on Action, Connect.
In Connect to License Server, you can use the IP Address or Netbios name of your server. If you're not familiar with your server computer name, check with your system adminitrator or system engineer. I'm assuming you are the system administrator of this server that's why you are reading this step-by-step procedure. Well, to minimize error use the IP Address in the server field.

Server: ; where this IP address is your Terminal Services Licensing Server
Click on OK to continue. You will see your server name and Activation Status.

Name: KINGNET001
Activation Status: Not activated

Click All Server, click the plus sign (+), select the server name. For this example, I highlighted KINGNET001 server.
Right-click on KINGNET001 server, and select Activate Server.
A Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard will prompt, click on Next to continue.
Select the Activation Method for license server activation.

Activation Method options:
  • Automatic connection (recommended)
  • Web browser
  • Telephone
Choose Automatic connection (recommended), click Next to continue. Please wait ...

Enter your Company Information:
First Name: ex. John
Last Name: ex. Smith
Company: KING.NET
Country or Region: United States

Click on Next to continue.

You will see another form to fill-up, it's an optional. Skip it. Click Next. This will try to connect ... wait.

You will receive the status:
Your license server has been successfully activated.

Start the wizard to complete the Terminal Server CAL installation.
Choose your License Program:
  • License PAk
  • Open License
  • Select License
  • Enterprise Agreement
  • Campus Agreement
  • School Agreement
  • Services Provider License Agreement
I seleted Open License, this is my current license agreement with Microsoft. Please check this information from your IT asset management. You need the Authorization Number and License Agreement Number to continue.

In the Program and Client License Information:
Product Version: Windows Server 2003
Product Type: Terminal Server Per User Client Access License
Quantity: put the correct number of license.

Click on Next to continue.

The new client license key pack has been successfully installed.

Click on Finish.

Now review your current Client Access License in Terminal Server Licensing, and see if the new license information is successfully added.

Share your knowledge, post your comment here.

Other Articles:
Whaddya know how to install Terminal Services in Application Server Mode?

How to Activate a Terminal Services License and Install TS CAL

How to Use Terminal Services Manager


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