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HOWTO Setup VPN Connection using Windows XP

This is a step-by-step procedure to setup VPN connection in Windows XP to your company network.
  1. Click on Start, Control Panel
  2. In Control Panel, double click on Network Connections
  3. In Network Connections, click Create a new connection
  4. In Network Connection Wizard, click Next to continue.
  5. In Network Connection Type, click on Connect to the network at my workplace (VPN)
  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. How do you want to connect to the network at your workplace? Select Virtual Private Network connection.
  8. Click Next to continue.
  9. In Connection Name, Company Name, type VPN.KING.NET (for example).
  10. Click Next to continue.
  11. In VPN Server Selection, type the Host name or IP address, type VPN.KING.NET (or for example). Your IT Guys should give you this information.
  12. Click Next to continue.
  13. In Connection Availability, accept default My use only.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Click Finish to complete.
  16. A login screen will prompt. Click on Properties, Options tab, put check on Include Windows logon domain. Click OK.
  17. It will go back to the login page with User name, Password and Domain.
  18. Login using your username, password and domain. For example my domain is KINGNET, you can get this information from your IT Guys.
  19. Click Connect to start. The network will verify username and password. Once it's complete, you will see Authenticated message and you can start accessing your company network resources.
With your VPN connectivity to your company network, you can access network resources that you have permission e.g. Email, File Server, Server Management, Shares, etc.

Please post comments or suggestions to improve this HOWTO Guide.
Thank you,


  1. Thanks for the post .You really broke it down, but there are several ways one can connect VPN on a window XP. Thanks all the same because you made it easier, i mean step by step because if one hasn't done it before it could be confusing.
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  2. Thank you Mozoella.

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