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Sleeping Tips

  • Sleep In Silence And Stop Snoring. Eliminate Snoring And Get Better Sleep At Night.
  • Make Money While You Sleep! Learn How To Quit Your Full Time Job, Earn Money While You Sleep By Becoming An Expert In Domains? This EBook Will Teach You How To Get Started In The Domain Business And Allow You To Become Successful In Buying, Selling And Developing Domains.

I've got this sleeping tips from email so I'm sharing this to you. Please let me know if this make sense.

There is an old saying which says, " When sleeping, sleep like a bow." This suggests that to sleep on one's side, bending like a bow is a good sleeping position. The best sleeping position is either lying comfortably on your back, or sleeping on your right side. Sleeping flat on one's stomach is not good because this causes pressure on the lungs, heart and other organs. Sleeping on the left side is not good because this causes too much pressure on the heart. Sleeping on the right side frees the heart to supply blood more easily. This is particularly helpful for the flow of blood to the liver, thus facilitating improved metabolism.

People tend to change their sleeping positions at least twenty and up to forty or fifty times during the course of a night.


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