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How to configure MS Outlook 2010 for Office365 Exchange Server 2013

This procedure is for you if you are using the following online services provided by Microsoft.
  • Office365
  • Recently upgraded from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2013.
  • MS Outlook 2007 or 2010
Microsoft sent out an email on how to manage MS Outlook using the new Exchange Server 2013 environment. The new environment provides many features that admin and users will be able to appreciate after your successful transition. I agree with you, the process provided by Microsoft (and even their customer service still using the old procedure when I called them as of 5/15/2013) is NOT detailed but I have a simple solution to fix it. The procedure that help me re-configure all MS Outlook to connect using Offic365 Exchange Server 2013.

I login to the Outlook Web Apps using the user workstation email address and password, click on PC tab to run the Setup. It will download a program for Office365 Desktop, and restart is needed.

If you have any users, having a connection problem using their MS Outlook. Here's what you need to do. 
  • Close MS Outlook
  • Go to Control Panel, Email, Email Accounts 
  • In Email Account, select click on the Name e.g. [email protected] (this is user email address), then click Repair. This will automatically update the user mailbox connection setting via autodiscover for the domain name. The user need to enter their email password for authentication. 
  • Click on Close to update your setting. 
  • Open MS Outlook program, MS Outlook will ask you to restart to accept the new settings. 
  • Re-open MS Outlook, and make sure it is not connected Offline (lower right corner of the screen). 
If everything is configured correctly, you will see the current emails.

Let's figure out what changed:
In the Server Settings, the server changed from the fully qualified domain name e.g. to [email protected] (where is equivalent of your Office365 domain name for your company). The random number is unique to every Office365 user, so don't try to copy this from userA to userB or userC. It will not work.

And in Exchange Proxy Settings:
Connection settings, changed from to

Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their ceritificate: (remain the same)

Good luck with your Office365 transition using Exchange Server 2013.

Please don't hesitate to post your reply if you have additional information to share.
Thank you.

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  1. Guide to the Office 365 Service Upgrade for 2013
    This link might help.


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