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Whaddya know about Swine Flu?

Let's all take a break in posting articles and learn the basic of swine flu virus. I have no idea so I went surfing the Internet to get some information and found this from CNN website.

"Swine Flue?
Swine influenza, or swine flu, is a respiratory disease in pigs caused by a certain strain of type A influenza virus. Outbreaks of swine flue are not common among humans: Most people who get swine flue are infected through contact with pigs.

The severity of swine flu in humans can vary from mild to sever.

How it spreads?
Although people typically get swine flue from contact with pigs, there are have been cases of person-to-person transmission. Experts think coughing, sneezing and contaminated surfaces can spread the infection among people, but it's unknown how easily that happens.

The virus cannot be obtained through eating properly cooked pork or any pork product.

The sysmptoms are similar to those of the common flu: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Also, like the common flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions. 

Symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting have also been reported. Infection from the virus can lead to sever illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure, and can be fata.

Antiviral drugs, such as oseltamivir or zanamivir, are recommended for treatment and prevention of swine flu. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines that keep flu viruses from reproducing in the body. Antiviral drugs work best  if treatment is started within two days of the onset of symtoms." (2009,

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