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Domain Hijacking Alert

This is alarming and I would like to inform our readers if you manage your domain name for personal or business use. Please call your registrar or email customer service, ask them to lock your domain name and not to transfer without your approval. This is added task from locked domains and changing your account password regularly.

"Weitzman has been in the domain game since 1994 and oldtimers in the industry know him as one of the pioneers in the business. Weitzman is a quiet guy who has never been interested in the spotlight, but as the victim of a major domain hijacking he is speaking up now with the hope that the publicity will lead to the return of his domains and prevent problems for others who might unknowingly buy the stolen names and lose their investment. Weitzman is also trying to find out how the theft happened and he believes the break-in could have occurred as high as the registry level at Verisign." (2009,

The initial lists of domain names includes,,,, etc.

Again, get in touch with your registrar to lock down your domain names.


  1. Thanks for Your information about the Domain.I register my domain name in the site
    But From this article I know about the Domain Hijacking Alert.its really interesting.


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