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What Are the Treatments for Swine Flu?

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Antiviral drugs are used to treat swine flu symptoms. Swine flu is sensitive to two drugs on the market: Tamiflu and Relenza. Both help stop the swine flu virus from spreading in the body, but must be taken within 12 to 48 hours after you begin experiencing your first flu symptoms. Take one tablet twice daily or as prescribed by your physician. If you think you have swine flu, seek the care of a doctor for advice on treatment.

Rest is important when treating swine flu, because not getting enough rest will weaken your immune system and prevent it from fighting the virus properly. If you have been diagnosed with the swine flu, it's important not to overexert yourself and to sleep often.
Drinking plenty of liquids is vital to preventing dehydration. Drink liquids such as water, hot broths and juice to help with the coughing, aches and pains associated with swine flu. Liquids will help break up congestion as well. Drink liquids the entire time you are sick; you will know you are drinking enough liquids when your urine becomes clear or a pale yellow color.

Pain medications are normally taken to treat symptoms of swine flu such as body aches and fever. Take one to two Advil every six to 12 hours. If taking Tylenol, take two caplets every four hours. If treating a child for swine flu, consult her pediatrician before administering medication to ensure proper dosage.

Source : KING.NET


  1. Investigation into swine flu vaccine side effects starts this week.

  2. @Sean Rushforth,

    Thank you for sharing the website link. I will check it.



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